Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Everyday i am shown examples of how mankind has lost it's class and integrity. Its really sad that the values that were instilled in us who aren't very old.(.i'm talking people in their 30's, 40's)..are laughed upon by those in their teens, and 20's now..that's how fast the deteioration has's barely a generation whose ideals and morals have flown out the's every man for himself it seems..forget about holding doors..or letting pedestrians have the right of way..or waving someone thru a stop sign ahead of you..sometimes i walk down the street and smile at people, and they look me directly in the eye as i'm smiling and have NO response..just a dead face like "why is this crazy person smiling at me" attitude...i mean WOW..i could never walk by someone who smiled at me without giving a smile back..the fact that these people are CAPABLE of that..frightens me...people are slowly turning sociopathic before our very eyes i think sometimes.